Sansepolcro and Surroundings


The Giuggiola Sweet Home is located along one of the oldest main streets of the Renaissance town, surrounded by historic palaces , towers and bell towers.
Piero Della Francesca's Resurrection, the Civic Museum, Aboca Museum, the Co-cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, the old city walls and historic palaces are just some of the attractions of Sansepolcro, just a few minutes' walk from La Giuggiola.

A stay of peace and relaxation

  • Surroundings

    The surroundings also hold surprises, Franciscan landscapes surrounded by greenery, the Sacred Hermitage of Montecasale, the Riserva
    of the Alpe della Luna, some of the most beautiful villages in Italy such as Anghiari and Citerna and many other places of interest that
    you can visit by leaning on La Giuggiola Sweet Home.